Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

Another installment in the lives of Edward and Bella.

What will happen when Bella finally graduates high school...will she become a vampire?

What will happen of the friendship between Bella and Jacob? Will Edward allow Bella to continue the friendship?

A mad vampire wants to kill Bella to get even with Edward. As soon as the plot is discovered by Edward and his family, the local werewolves get involved to help protect Bella. What a shocker - Bella is again in danger!

The werewolves and vampires work together to destroy the threat.

Bella and Edward make a deal: they will get married and Edward will then turn Bella into a vampire.

I like this book the least of the whole series. I couldn't stand how controlling and "perfect" Edward was. I also liked Jacob, and hated how Bella would treat him at times.

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