Monday, March 31, 2008

The Camel Club by David Baldacci

It took me quite a while to get into the book - I was halfway through before I really got into it. But once I did, I couldn't put the book down. Literally. I started at the halfway point reading before bed, and didn't stop until I had finished the book in the wee hours of the morning.

Oliver Stone and his rag-tag group of friends are on a quest for the "truth" about the government. They keep track of the comings and goings of the president and other higher-ups and they have their own conspiracy theories about things that happen. They accidentally witness a murder and then spend the rest of the book trying to find out who is responsible for the murder, and how to expose that person or group of people.

In the meantime, a very complex plot to kidnap the president is underway. The camel club again happens to be in the exact location when the plot is put into action. Kidnapping the president causes a chain reaction that ultimately leads to the brink of nuclear war.

As you can guess, the camel club uncovers the kidnappers, find the president, and does this all before war breaks out. After the slow beginning, the book does keep you at the edge of your seat, and it does make me want to read more camel club books by Baldacci.

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